Seoul Wave Factory (SWF)
AI Song Contest 2021 / participants
TEAM / Seoul Wave Factory (SWF)
SONG / Voyage To Earth
TEAM MEMBERS / Daewon Min, Seonghyun Ko, Hyeonseok Choi, Haeon, Seungryeol Paik, TE RIM, Jaeyoung Shin
The lines are now closed. You can no longer vote. Watch the Award Ceremony on July 6 to find out which song wins the AI Song Contest 2021!
We are Seoul Wave Factory, a Machine and Deep Learning-based audio and music research team from Seoul, South Korea. In keeping with the word Factory, the team consists of collaborative workers to produce quality outputs based on various musical and technological backgrounds - music producer, audio engineer, data scientist, and graduate students at MARG (Music and Audio Research Group) of Seoul National University (SNU). In the contest, we tried to seek a new direction for music production with ML and DL. Specifically, we aimed to explore whether AI could be a partner for musicians creatively and efficiently.
Furthermore, we wanted to experience the actual tech-music interactive workflow by ourselves. In the end, we wanted to see how cool the results of our tech-music mixture would be.
In our track Voyage To Earth, we wanted to speak about our desire to travel. At the same time, we also wanted to give a message of sympathy to our friends on Earth who are suffering like us, with bright vibe and hopeful lyrics. With electro-house music, AI vocal sings in the beautiful Korean language. We only used fully AI-generated vocals in this track.
For the instrumental section, we used AI-generated beats, chords, and melody line sources to make the instrumental section. With the track, we also made an audio-reactive music video to express ourselves visually.
Learning and Deep Learning. In addition, we wanted to experience the actual tech-music interactive workflow by ourselves. In the end, we wanted to see how cool the results of our tech-music mixture would be.
Our common consensus in the human-AI-co-creation process was that AI would be a good facilitator in the music creation process. Hence, we aimed at two possible utilities of AI - increasing efficiency and creativeness of musicians. We supposed the AI could help a musician’s initial composition process - sketch phase, and make him/her possible to consider additional musical ideas and way faster. Also, we supposed our outputs themselves could be a source of inspiration to musicians, showing something beyond their creation.
We used several neural networks - Drum-RNN, FLAGNet, and RL-Tuner for instrument MIDI generation, GPT-2 trained in Korean for lyrics text generation, and SVS (Singing Voice Synthesis) Network for a vocal waveform generation.
With all the AI-generated vocals and instrument sources, human teammates have woven them into a complete track based on our clear musical and lyrical direction. Later, we made an audio-reactive music video to express our themes and messages visually.
[Original Korean Lyrics]
여행 그 낯선 길 걷던 때에
물가의 꽃이 나를 바라본 때에
지금 저 먼 우주를 상상하지
그래도 선명해
어둠은 사라지고
시간은 빛에 물들어
두 눈에 가득 바다가 흐르네
그 알 수 없는 도시
저 알 수 없는 섬에 걸어서
언젠가 닿을까
맑은 밤 머리 위의 별들은
지구의 반대에 같은 표정에
신비한 머리 속의 그림은
이제 손 위에 그려만 본거지
여행 그 낯선 길 걷던 때에
물가의 꽃이 나를 바라본 때에
지금 저 먼 우주를 상상하지
그래도 선명해
어둠은 사라지고
시간은 빛에 물들어
두 눈에 가득 바다가 흐르네
그 알 수 없는 도시
저 알 수 없는 섬에 걸어서
언젠가 닿을까
여름비가 저 뒤에서 또 쫓아오면
제자리에 가만히 서서 기다리고
천둥번개 저 멀리서 또 소리치면
내기를 해볼까
맑은 밤 머리 위의 별들은
지구의 반대에 같은 표정에
신비한 머리 속의 그림은
이제 손 위에 그려만 본거지
달에 도착했던 그때 하늘 흐릿해져
까마득한 어제인지
우리의 약속들을 꺼내
구름에 보내자
[English Translated Lyrics]
When we walk on an odd road
When the flowers by the water look at us
We imagine a distant universe
And still clear.
The darkness is gone
Time is stained with light
The sea is flowing in our eyes
Walking to the unknown city
Walking to that unknown island
Can we reach there someday?
On a clear night, the stars above me
Shine on the opposite side of the Earth
The mysterious picture in minds
We draw it on our hands
When we walk on an odd road
When the flowers by the water look at us
We imagine a distant universe
And still clear.
The darkness is gone
Time is stained with light
The sea is flowing in our eyes
Walking to the unknown city
Walking to that unknown island
Can we reach there someday?
When the summer rain follows us back again
Let’s stand still and wait
When the thunder and lightning shout to us from far away
Shall we make a bet
On a clear night, the stars above me
Shine on the opposite side of the Earth
The mysterious picture in minds
We draw it on our hands
Can’t remember the sky when we got to the moon
Maybe it was a far long time ago
Don’t forget to bring up our promises
And Send them to the clouds