AI Song Contest 2021 / participants
TEAM / Dadabots
SONG / Can’t Play Instruments
TEAM MEMBERS / CJ Carr and Zack Zukowski
LISTEN AND EVALUATE Can’t Play Instruments
The lines are now closed. You can no longer vote. Watch the Award Ceremony on July 6 to find out which song wins the AI Song Contest 2021!
Zack and CJ met at Berklee College, back when they used to play instruments. After falling down the rabbit hole of python, theano, arXiv, and github - a benevolent alien abducted them in a UFO and granted them unlimited GPU credits, which they wasted on generating noise music. Their musicianship has since deteriorated, and they are embarrassingly out of practice.
We ordered pizza the night we generated this. I ate half, filled out the JSON metadata, queued up the tasks on our 36 GPU cluster, fell asleep, dreaming of being a rockstar. When we woke up we had this song… and a pizza hangover.
Actually that night we had generated 8 albums, 120 songs total, 90-seconds each, of punk rock. They were good, some of them had too much talking, most of them sounded like real songs. Dirty and noisy, lots of screaming, d-beats, choruses, section transitions. We listened through a few of them, this song was pretty good, so we used it. Would’ve listened to all of them, but we were trying to finish this project last minute in homeroom before class.
You guys know us as doing generative music for years. But what you don’t know is that our music ability COMPLETELY atrophied. Musicianship... gone. We’re sloths. We modified OpenAI Jukebox to run across a distributed cluster of 36 GPUs, making it easy for us to generate thousands of songs in our sleep with no effort. I think we have a problem, push button art is an addiction. Zack sold all his instruments to pre-order a RTX3090. It still hasn’t shipped. My roommates kicked me out of our drone band because I forgot how to play a power chord in drop D.
We had big plans of learning how to actually play these songs on our instruments so that our submission could be a live recording, but the atrophy took hold. Zack got so out of breath, he can't even play at half tempo. My calluses are so soft it hurts to turn the amp on. I know we started this band at Berklee, but now we make that school look bad by association. I think our lives are falling apart. Our girlfriends left us, but that’s okay, still got that RTX3090 to look forward to.
Stay in music school kids. Play your instruments. Don’t do AI. You don’t wanna end up like us.