Participants 2024
About the TEAM
Started out playin the guitar. Learned some piano, learned to read write. Making some music I hope people like. I went to music school and received a degree in Guitar Performance. I taught and played in bands, weddings, restaurants for a while. I went back to school and received a degree in Computer Science. I have music on BandCamp and on streaming services under the artist name striderQED. All of my AI stuff has "Ada" in the name to honor Ada Lovelace the first computer programmer.
About the SONG
This song generated was almost all rhythm and sound effects. There was some bass but not much and I added a 17 bar baseline. At the 17 bar mark is the end of the intro, and that same baseline is repeated with variations for the remainder of the piece. I also was proud because this was my first AI EDM song and I wanted it to and it works really well in a loop. This was done in MPC software and 4 tracks were added. Some percussion mostly in the intro and ending. The Bass. A track using “TubeSynth Pad” that is the chords, And, at the end a roads electric piano that is the hook of the song played with an intentional “toy piano” feel.
I used the AI Music Service Boomy. I was able to control many different input parameters such as tempo, instruments, styles, etc.. Once that "song" was generated I used the Boomy service to edit it. This involved rearrangement ( you can move song parts around) and perhaps deletion of parts. That "finished song" was then downloaded to my local machine. I move that "song" into a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) in this case MPC Software. The song becomes one track in the project. I then add additional tracks with different instruments to compliment or extend the piece. For this song 4 tracks were added almost all the Chords and melody, in addition to the Baseline. I really view my AI work as a collaboration.