Participants 2024
About the TEAM
Mike Kelley – electronic musician, algorithm designer, synthesis & hardware
Sarah Stone – python pianist, theory, music21, trainer, arranger
About the SONG
How would original music be written by a computer if it had the capability to do so? We researched this process by creating algorithms in pure data to produce sufficient original midi input data for our AI models to make predictions from. Two algorithms (KicKRaTT & KaOzBrD) developed in pure data [pd] capable of generating hours of original midi jam band sessions. Original preserves that transform into a TREE of AI language information. A TREE of original data that bear all the possible notes, chords & patterns needed to compose. ARBOREAL is an original AI predicted song from original generated data. AI composing original music is one thing. AI composing original music that performs with style is another. It will be a measure of ARBOREAL if a generated style is enjoyed by the audience. ARBOREAL is a studio recording of our AI predicted midi score process made May, 2024.
Our task for the AI Song Contest of 2024 was to examine a procedure through which a AI model could predict the original score of a musical composition. It was necessary to establish an extensive repository of authentic data for this project. The source of data was established using algorithms crafted in pure data [pd], resulting in the creation of extensive 3-piece "jam band" midi data. A plethora of MIDI information encompassing every conceivable note and chord progression within the key of C. We have infused the musicality of our pianist into the algorithm, thus humanizing this midi production. The categorized themed datasets contained the separated instrument files that were generated in multi-track format. Themed datasets that our AI models (Optimus - Morpheus - Yoda & deepjazz) trained, predicted & advanced the evolving song. The learning models predicted tracks instrument by instrument in repetitive patterns until the composition was defined by the process. Our song is from the data. Every generating, predicting and evaluating procedure performed with confidence that ARBOREAL was music from the AI genre.