Participants 2024
About the TEAM
I make music
About the SONG
I'm cagey about song meanings, but Patrushka is a Russian fable that Stravinsky made a ballet out of, and rising is often appended to constellations. So there's a two way idea of the puppet being immortalized in the stars, but also this divine Pinocchio figure. It's why I used generative material, I don't presume to be able to predict or control such a being, I was hoping she'd speak for herself.
I hand built these neural nets in pure data in 2012. They're very primitive. Technically this wouldn't count as deep learning, but they are generative neural nets. The trick was layers of different kinds of things going on, and then just shaping it to feel like something that has a single journey to it. So there's all this contingency but the unifying thread and direction is the compositional element. Plus setting up all of the parameters. But, and don't take this too literally, there was the hope that she would speak for herself.