Participants 2023
AI Song Contest 2023 / participants
TEAM / musescore1983
SONG / A piano sonata for Ludwig van Beethoven, part 3
TEAM MEMBERS / musescore1983
About the TEAM
I do algorithmic composing as a hobby.
About the SONG
This is an experiment with #LSTM for #generating #music, by learning from "For Elise" and "Moonlight Sonata Part 3", hence the tribute to Ludwig van #Beethoven.
There are two sides for this piece of music considered AI: One is the usage of a function to measure note similarity, which I would consider as originating at me, the other is the usage of LSTM ( Long Short Term Memory ) which is a kind of neural network being used for prediction tasks to predict the next note, given a sequence of notes.
The new thing in the function to measure note similarity, is that it captures what humans would consider consonant notes, and this capturing is being forwarded to its internal representation in the computer, so that the computer has the chance to distinguish in the same way as we humans do about consonance or dissonnance of a pair of notes.