Participants 2022

monobor x mashmachine

AI Song Contest 2022 / participants

TEAM / monobor x mashmachine
SONG / the synthrider
Philippe Pasquier
Renaud Bougueng Tchemeube

About the TEAM

Monobor continues in his experimental production series on MMM after his take on MMM via the MMM-OPZ release. Mashmachine is a new act from Renaud Bougueng who has previously released professionally under the pseudo OMAYT for progressive house, tech house and dance music.

About the SONG

“the synthrider” is a song which explores the genre of the synthwave and early 80’s synthesizers as revisited by a modern AI music algorithm called MMM. MMM explores synthwave music generation questioning the potential cultural impact of the temperature, a well-know parameter of neural networks, and their potential cultural relevance of computational non-determinism (via the temperature parameter) to the electronic-savvy, technophilic genre of synthwave. Temperature parameter is used as a primary storytelling agent by presenting to the audience a varying use of generative noise to drive musical tension motifs in the piece.


The musical composition (notes and full unedited multi-track phrases) was entirely generated by our lab’s AI algorithm called the “multi-track music machine” (MMM). We used Calliope, a web application for music composition using MMM, to talk to the algorithm. We told it which instruments we want and how long a phrase should be. It generates 18-bar MIDI excerpts at a time, out of which we selected the best sounding pieces for our theme, arranged and produced the required sounds.

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